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Gil Ton – Taiwan Tung Acupuncture


Hotel Mitland, Utrecht


€ 125


Taiwan Tung Acupuncture
19 maart 2023

Taiwan Tung Acupuncture – digestive system disorders

Tung Acupuncture lineage originated from Taiwan and the last four decades gained popularity worldwide due to its simplicity and clinical efficacy. It is a complete acupuncture system that doesn’t have any connection to orthodox acupuncture channels. It can be applied not only in pain management but also for internal medicine diseases. Previous background in Tung is not needed for the seminar. The seminar will focus on the earth phase main points and how to use them in common digestive system disorders.

Masterclass Objectives

  • Understand the method and principles of Taiwan Tung Acupuncture.
  • Learn the main points in Tung system to treat digestive disorder.

Seminar schedule

  • Introduction
  • The 4 treatment principles
  • The 5 Zang system
  • Dao ma technique
  • Imaging – Microsystem
  • The 12 zones and the main points of the earth phase: theory and practice

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