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Andy Harrop – Digestion


Hotel Mitland, Utrecht


€ 280 per weekend


8 maart 2025 12.00 tot 18.30
9 maart 2025 10.00 tot 17.00

Digestion – Kiiko Matsumoto style Japanese acupuncture

Dit seminars is alleen toegankelijk voor diegenen die de foundation course (ooit) hebben gevolgd en hier bekend mee zijn.

Dit weekend is definitief verplaatst naar 7 en 8 maart ’25

This seminar presents strategies for treating weakness and imbalances in the digestive system.   Digestion is central to our being and the replenishment of energy, but is often over worked and poorly cared for and hence is one of the most commonly encountered problems in the clinic.  We will look at the key energetic factors essential to a properly functioning digestive system as well the evolutionary development of the Stomach and Spleen, their meridians and the central role they play in the energetic framework of the body.

Subjects covered:
– The development of the Stomach and Spleen meridians
– The importance of Ren 12 and it’s connection to the stomach, the triple warmer, Blood & Qi  
– Treatment and diagnosis of the Stomach, Spleen   
– The role of the Pancreas, Liver and Gall Bladder  
– Treatment and diagnosis of the Small and Large Intestine      
– Autonomic nervous system imbalance and it’s role in healthy digestion     
– Pulse diagnosis of Stomach Qi deficiency and weak Spleen       

The course will be taught in a workshop style to provide the maximum opportunity to gain the practical experience essential to this unique style of acupuncture. There will be a presentation of the theory for each protocol, followed by demonstration and then supervised practical work. 

It is important that participants have attended the Foundation Course or have previous experience of this style in order to gain the maximum benefit from this course.

Kiiko Matsumoto style Japanese acupuncture is part of a traditional lineage that Kiiko has inherited from her own Masters and which she continues to develop. Kiiko has spent many years researching Classical Chinese sources and has formed this knowledge into a system of unique and highly effective treatment protocols

This Foundation Course is taught by Andy Harrop who is the most experienced teacher and practitioner of this style in the Europe.  He has been studying with Kiiko Matsumoto since 1990.  He has been teaching for  the TCMA postgraduate course since 2007.

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