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Andy Harrop – Foundation Course

locatie Hotel Mitland, Utrecht

Foundation Course
11 oktober 2024 12.00-18.30
12 oktober 2024 10.00-17.00

Na zijn sabbatical die hij in Spanje doorbracht, hervat Andy zijn lessen in de Kiiko Matsumoto style Japanese acupuncture en hij trapt af met een weekend “Foundation Course” in oktober ’24. Andy is een van de oudste studenten van Kiiko en hiermee – na Kiiko – de meest ervaren docent in deze methode.

Foundation course – Kiiko Matsumoto style

A complete introduction to Kiiko Matsumoto style Japanese acupuncture covering both theory and practice.
– Background and Principles
– Abdominal (Hara) Diagnosis
– Unique Japanese points – location and use
– Needle usage and technique
– Thread moxa, tiger warmer and kyutoshin moxa techniques
– Diagnosis and treatment of 4 root treatment protocols fundamental to this style:
* Oketsu
* Adrenal insufficiency
* Immune System imbalance
* Stomach Qi deficiency

This style of acupuncture is both interactive and practical. It uses palpation of the abdomen and direct diagnostic feedback to immediately assess energetic changes taking place.

The course will be taught in a workshop style to provide the maximum opportunity to gain the practical experience essential to this unique style of acupuncture. There will be a presentation of the theory, followed by demonstration and then supervised practical work.  By the end of the 2 days participants should feel confident to apply the knowledge and skills learnt, directly in clinic.

This style of acupuncture can be used on it’s own or incorporated into an existing TCM or Five Element style practice. No previous experience of Japanese Acupuncture is necessary, however, due to the practical nature of this course, it is only suitable for practicing acupuncturists or senior students who have been granted permission to practice.

Kiiko Matsumoto style Japanese acupuncture is part of a traditional lineage that Kiiko has inherited from her own Masters and which she continues to develop. Kiiko has spent many years researching Classical Chinese sources and has formed this knowledge into a system of unique and highly effective treatment protocols.

This Foundation Course is taught by Andy Harrop who is the most experienced teacher and practitioner of this style in the Europe.  He has been studying with Kiiko Matsumoto since 1990. He has been teaching for the TCMA & TCM-postgraduate course since 2007. 

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